How do you go paperless in today’s growing Digitization of Business? 

Globally, the typical office worker utilizes ten thousand sheets of paper annually. Furthermore, by the end of the day, 37% of the paper printed in offices finds its way into the trash.

Why switch to electronic records?

Making the switch to paperless operations can benefit your business greatly. It not only benefits the environment but also increases productivity, uses less resources, and expedites document processing.

Faster and efficient way of work

One major advantage of working paperless is that it allows for a faster and efficient way of work. Reducing the amount of manual, paper-based processes and forms can save you, on average, 33 minutes each document. Additionally, it saves employees time on time-consuming administrative chores like document photocopying, scanning, and printing. Digital data may be stored quickly, and retrieval only requires a brief computer search.

Simplify your Procedures and Workflows.

Additionally, you can simplify your procedures. 

Workflows that are digital generate data. Technology-enabled process data has applications outside of the specific process. Data can be utilised, for instance, to swiftly create reports and develop dashboards. Additionally, creating a transparent audit trail provides advantages for efficiency and law.

Let’s now think about your clientele. You can provide your consumers with greater service if you go paperless. Consumers desire efficiency and speed. They want to be free to take care of themselves as much as possible on their own terms, without having to pause and fill out paperwork.

Customer Portal and Office Space

 A customer portal can be used to give assistance conveniently and rapidly.
The ability to save money is an additional, just as significant benefit! Office space is no longer a factor to be considered for storage. Paperless workplaces typically have lower operating costs because they don’t require the purchase of on-site storage facilities, which frees up space. Additionally, you can save money on the low yearly costs of postage, toner, and ink. 

Security and Ethical Obligations

We must not undervalue the significance of security. It may be safer to go paperless. Businesses must take precautions to guarantee that their data is encrypted and stored on a company data server or in a private cloud where access can be restricted. Digital files are not susceptible to fire destruction, unlike paper copies.

Additionally, it can help solve more general moral and ethical obligations that matter to customers, such deforestation. Making the switch to paperless transactions can undoubtedly help preserve forests and promote environmental sustainability. By using an online calculator to track the environmental effects of your paper usage, you can also encourage teams to reduce their paper use.

Do paper-based processes still have a place?

Examine your company’s reasons if paper-based procedures are still being used. Do you have any rules or regulations? Is it because “this is how we’ve always done it”? Many companies think that certain procedures, like invoicing, must be done on paper, but there are methods to go digital! There are legal requirements for maintaining records in several sectors. However, digital processes are considerably simpler to save, encrypt, and provide audit trails for.

How should I begin with ERPNext?

So how simple is it to switch to digital? While it may not be possible to become entirely paperless overnight, technology can help make the transition very simple to begin with! Selecting a few areas to go paperless in and concentrating on them is a smart approach.

Businesses may create a paperless environment and become paperless with the aid of the ERPNext Software. You may process and organise your documents with the aid of ERPNext’s Documents app, for instance. The ERPNext Sign software may be used to digitise all contracts and use paperless signatures. If you sell utilising a complex contract, its “share” feature enables you to make a reusable template for every client.

Workflow: The team at Craft Interactive provides the best possible workflows in terms of ERPNext Implementation that best suits your needs. 

Get your Purchase order, saler order, payments everything reviewed and approved by your senior or manager or management team.. Set thresholds.. have audit trial..

Notifications and alerts: We set up notifications and alerts upon client needs, so that meeting alerts, clients requests, quotation alerts, stock, leave management etc all can be looked through, Audit Trail for all approvals and signatures. 

Ensure that all your purchase orders (PO), sales orders (SO), quotations, etc. are perpetually stored in the system in digital format.

Data migration: Worried about your existing data? No issues, our team will migrate your existing data into ERPNext without much hassle. 

Biometric integration: This will come under HR Management as you will be able to track your Employee attendance and leaves based on timings. 

Customer and Employee portal: We setup different portals based on employee needs and restrictions based on Admin’s request so that certain data sets can be restricted and only upper management have access to it. 

Roles and access rights: You can assign certain tasks to your employees and have them pre set as a role within your company. For access rights again you can restrict employees upon sensitive data, and also grant access to employees for specific data to be fetched upon request. 
